esp32 configuration web page not opening

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Messages : 2
Enregistré le : mer. 7 févr. 2024 10:29

esp32 configuration web page not opening

Message par andrew4546 »

Hii, i am uploading the source code version 1.3.0 to esp32 dev kit. i have connected to my device when it was in Ap mode. but when i go to ip no web page opens. i have also use the rescue ssid where esp32 connects to my mobile hotspot. but when i open arpsduino32.local or i go to ip that its showing serial monitor web page is not showing. now after doing all of this i have the done some changes to globle.h file where i have change the DFLT_NW_ssid to my network address and its password also. After reset the device , its connected to my router with its ip address. but when i go to that ip address no web page is opening.

configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x400805e4
E (575) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dum�␆␘��ѥѥ�� found!
E (575) esp_core_dump_flash: No core dump partition found!

Version 1.3 (double fianchetto)
E (30) SPIFFS: mount failed, -10025
[ 39][E][SPIFFS.cpp:89] begin(): Mounting SPIFFS failed! Error: -1
SPIFFS error...
nothing detected on i2c port !
DMX address : 1
artnet universe : 0
signal mode : DMX or Artnet IN
[ 169][E][Preferences.cpp:483] getString(): nvs_get_str len fail: NW_ssid NOT_FOUND
SSID : Smartdesgh-2.4G
[ 170][E][Preferences.cpp:483] getString(): nvs_get_str len fail: NW_pass NOT_FOUND
[ 175][E][Preferences.cpp:483] getString(): nvs_get_str len fail: hostname NOT_FOUND
hostname : arpschuino32
Connection ......................................................................

Connection established!
IP address :
Server active!

Port A: PWM
14 bits; freq 4882 hz; LED curve;

Port B: PWM
14 bits; freq 4882 hz; LED curve;

Port I2C : 0 device(s):

signal mode: DMX or Artnet in
DMX ready
artnet ready

i am getting the above text, i think that spiff file is not mounted is causing web page to not load. is that true. or i can i open that configuration page of arpsduino32
Messages : 270
Enregistré le : dim. 31 oct. 2021 19:37

Re: esp32 configuration web page not opening

Message par Jacques »

hi andrew,
in addition to the source code, you need to upload the filesystem into the board.
Did you do this?
Otherwise you have to do it using the "upload filesystem image" command from platform IO:
filesystem.jpg (116.82 Kio) Vu 803 fois
Messages : 2
Enregistré le : mer. 7 févr. 2024 10:29

Re: esp32 configuration web page not opening

Message par andrew4546 »

Thanks for your support. now its working. one more favour I want from you. I want to create a custom code using this library where I want to control stepper motor using 3 channel, first channel for controlling speed of stepper motor, second channel for position angle of motor and Third DMX Channel for controlling direction of motor. which library I have to use , or where i have to do changes in source code for doing so.
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Enregistré le : dim. 31 oct. 2021 10:21

Re: esp32 configuration web page not opening

Message par RitoonL »

Hello Andrew,

I answered yesterday by the Private message form.

Sorry, i misread that you were using a DEV MODULE, so i gave you the pocedure for Arpschuino32 for a SPIFF crash.

Jacques is more into arpschuino32 code, specially for steppers and will answer better than me about this. Happy that you managed to load the SPIFF on your dev board.

I wish you enjoy arpschuino32 firmware !


Administrateur - Forum arpschuino
Messages : 270
Enregistré le : dim. 31 oct. 2021 19:37

Re: esp32 configuration web page not opening

Message par Jacques »

So, for custom functionality of portA or B, we will need to edit the Custom_port.cpp file. Do not touch any other files so as not to risk disrupting the general operation of the firmware. Remember that it is necessary to install Vs-code on your computer, then the platformIO plugin in VS-code. The rest will not be very different from what we would do with standard Arduino code.

The arpschuino32 custom port allows you to personalize the functionalities of one or both ports of the arpschuino32 or the wilulu32. Without affecting the overall architecture of the firmware, we can code the behavior of a port as we would for a simple Arduino code. On the other hand, we will not use the Arduino IDE which is not suitable for code like our firmware which contains several languages (C++, HTML, Javascript, CSS). You will therefore need to install Vscode and platformIO. The good news is that you won't have to worry about installing libraries or anything else, platformIO will take care of everything, automatically.

In the source code, we will focus on one file in particular: custom port.cpp (don't touch the other files unless you really know what you are doing!).
For this example, we will work on port A. In the section dedicated to port A, we can see 3 functions:
- setupA: this loop is executed only once when the card starts up. It is an initialization loop, equivalent to the setup of an Arduino program. portA.setNbDmxChannels(8); It is in all cases necessary to enter the number of circuits used here (here 8).
- actionA: This loop is called each time a DMX or artnet frame is received.
-at_each_loopA: the main loop that loops like the loop of an Arduino program.
Messages : 270
Enregistré le : dim. 31 oct. 2021 19:37

Re: esp32 configuration web page not opening

Message par Jacques »

Regarding the library used for stepper motors, we use ArpAccelStepper, it is a custom fork of AccelStepper. All AccelStepper functions are available, the documentation is easy to find on the net. And here are the functions that we added in ArpAccelStepper:

Code : Tout sélectionner

    void attach(uint8_t dir,uint8_t  pull, uint16_t step_per_revolution);///Attach pins and define the number of steps per revolution. 3 parameters for the hardware config. DRIVER mode
    void attach(uint8_t pin1,uint8_t pin2 , uint8_t pin3 , uint8_t pin4 , uint16_t step_per_revolution);//Attach pins and define the number of steps per revolution. 5 parameters for the hardware config. in 4WIRE mode

    void init(int16_t RPM_min=6,int16_t RPM_max=300,float revolutions=10,uint16_t resolution=255,bool action=0,float acceleration=10000);//(RPM_min, RPM_max , revolution, resolution);
    void invert_rotation(bool inverted);//reverses the direction of rotation
    bool inverted();//return true if the rotation is inverted
    void refresh(uint16_t val_pos,uint16_t val_speed, bool action);//update order datas. (new DMX value)
    void set_resolution(uint16_t resolution);//set the resolution of the command in bits
    void set_pins(uint8_t pin0, uint8_t pin1, uint8_t pin2=0, uint8_t pin3=0);//Attach pins
    void set_action(bool action);//set the type of action, perform or continuous
    void set_interface(uint8_t interface);//define the type of driver
    float RPMtoSPS (float RPM);//convert revolution per minute in steps per second
    boolean direction();//return the motor direction. 1 == CW 

I'm sorry for not providing complete documentation, but we will answer any questions you ask us.